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Doğrudan Baskıya Etiketleme

Elsiz, web tabanlı  etiket çözümü  tam entegre müşteriler için...

  • Auto groupage HUB consolidation

  • Auto groupage auto fill

  • Auto groupage overflow 

  • Auto reallocation to a more cost effective equipment type to larger and back to smaller

  • Auto split of an FTL multi orderlines

  • 3D viewer

  • x2 stop view when on different routes

File 0

File 1

File 2

File 3



Updating the files

You can copy these files you your machine. Create a order number with your intials and a 5 digit number.
Then reuse them from your machine each time.

  • Open each file in order, 1,2,3,4

  • Update the order numbers in file 1 by adding a unqiue at the top and dragging down

  • In file 2,3,4 make sure you update the DA to match file 1

  • In file 2, make sure you continue the unique order number for the lines below DA

  • In file 3,4 make sure you copy across the  order numbers to the updated orders.

  • Its VERY important you check

    • all dates in each file are the same

    • Each order number has not been used before.

    • That you make sure you move all orders into RECYCLE (using ROUTE2) before you import orders

Where are you importing these files?

All the rate cards are already imported and correct

  • QA REC


How to import files and the expected result

  • Uygulama bir Windows uygulamasıdır

  • Her Label Station PC'sine indirilmesi gerekir.

  • Her PC'nin sahip olması gereken  varsayılan yazıcı kurulumu

  • Her Etiket Ä°stasyonu  onu ayırt etmek için benzersiz bir isim verildi

  • Bu benzersiz Label Station ID'sini oluÅŸturduÄŸunuz PACK mesajına eklemeniz gerekecek.

  • PACK mesajı alındığında, Event isteÄŸi otomatik olarak iÅŸleyecek ve gönderilen PACK için doÄŸru etiketi çıkaracaktır.

  • Beklenen performans yakl. etiket başına 10 saniye*

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