BAĞLANTI... nedir?
Senin için çalışmak...
CONNECT, taşıyıcıların rota alması için bir platformdur.
CONNECT, tahsilattan faturaya kadar, işinizi daha akıllı hale getirmek için hepsi bir arada uygulamanızdır.
CONNECT ayrıca, müşterilere teslim etme yeteneğinizi göstererek ve bunları yapabilmenin ek avantajıyla kalitenizi platformdaki müşterilere vurgular. şirketinizin, yeteneklerinizin, araçlarınızın tam bir biyografisini ekleyin. tercih edilen şeritler vb. yeni müşterileri sizinle BAĞLANMAya teşvik edersiniz.
BAĞLANTILI bir Nakliye ekosistemi...
Her şey tek bir yerde.
GO.KIOSK nasıl kullanılır?
KIOSK'a varış için adım adım kılavuz
No reservation or Access All Code
[INBOUND] Add some more info about this item...
If the vehicle has no reservation number or Access All Code they can still get through the KIOSK. Functionality is available to enable frequent visitors access for reasons where using the Access All Code is not acceptable. Usually this is because of the need to log these vehicles onto site.
Trailer number
[INBOUND] Trailer or just unit?
Add the number of the trailer that's at the KIOSK.
We will check if it's the trailer DOCK expects.
The trailer number is important as it helps KIOSK decide how to instruct the vehicle within the yard.
If the vehicle is a unit only and just arriving to collect a reservation already loaded on a trailer then they can click on the 'UNIT ONLY' function.
Mobile number
[INBOUND] Stay informed
DOCK has a service called '1-click-request'. It requires the mobile number of the driver completing the reservation number.
KIOSK adds the mobile number to the reservation and provides the ability for the warehouse to call the trailer to the bay at the click of the booking slot.
The driver can add their mobile number here to provide an up to date record.
It is an optional field.
[INBOUND] What to do and when to do it...
From the reservation number, trailer number and time of arrival, KIOSK can instruct the vehicle on where to go in the yard.
This screen will provide a tailored instruction based on the above information.
KIOSK provides a digital signature from the driver on the press of the 'I confirm I understand'.
On clicking this the driver is accepting your terms and conditions for being allowed on site.
GO.KIOSK nasıl kullanılır?
KIOSK'tan ayrılma konusunda adım adım kılavuz.
Trailer number
[OUTBOUND] Trailer or just unit?
Add the number of the trailer that's at the KIOSK.
We will check if it's the trailer DOCK expects.
The trailer number is important as it helps KIOSK decide how to instruct the vehicle within the yard.
If the vehicle is a unit only and just arriving to collect a reservation already loaded on a trailer then they can click on the 'UNIT ONLY' function.
GO.KIOSK nasıl yapılandırılır
KIOSK'ın sizin için çalışmasını nasıl sağlarsınız.
To access the configuration screens for KIOSK start by clicking the KIOSK tile.
Follow the instruction on the Configuration Welcome page
To direct a vehicle directly to a bay, we need to know if that bay is vacant? We use the DOCK status that represents this. Now, this is ok if you have not configured those status (by default we call it Bay Free) and if you have this function lets you tell us which one means 'Bay available'
To access the configuration screens for KIOSK start by clicking the KIOSK tile.