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Cos'è CONNECT...?
Lavorando per te...
CONNECT è una piattaforma per i vettori per ottenere rotte.
Dalla riscossione alla fattura, CONNECT è la tua applicazione tutto in uno per lavorare in modo più intelligente.
CONNECT evidenzia anche la tua qualità ai clienti sulla piattaforma, mostrando loro la tua capacità di fornire e con l'ulteriore vantaggio di poterlo fare aggiungi una biografia completa della tua azienda, abilità , veicoli. corsie preferenziali, ecc., incoraggi i nuovi clienti a CONNETTERSI con te.
È un ecosistema CONNECTed Freight...
Tutto in un unico posto.
Il negozio del corriere
Non è una Borsa Merci... è un negozio!
Il Carrier Store è una comunità virtuale sicura, collaborativa in cui tutti ne traggono vantaggio
I miei vettori, cosa fa?
Il Carrier Store è un ecosistema sicuro, governato e collaborativo, dove
Credit checked on sign up and every 6 months after
Full payment control with platform deactivation for non-payment
Requirement for 5 main documents to be visible and confirmed
Live KPI score and Event rating
Spot audits by Events Carrier Management team
The difference with Events Marketplace is that it's a part of Events overall 4pl and software offering.
It is not a seperate product or company but the very core of what 3T Event offers its customers and therefore managed and governed in the same way.
You need to be invited, its a club not a freight exchange!
What does the club offer?
If you can find a sponsor to invite you and you pass the above validation you can expect:
Communication with multiple carrier groups and networks
Find good work or add work you want help covering
Reduced administration
INCAB smartphone app is freeto usefor tracking and epod​
Invoicing and payment terms built in
Managed payment process
Create groups or regional networks made up of partners you trust to work with
Get introduced to new networks (dependant on how good you make yourself look!)
Receive tiered subscription discounts for the amount of work you add
Get noticed by customers through your Event Store Front, your own advertisment on Event (see case studies from other carriers below)
Layover costs covered by owner of the load
Incase of cancelled load​
Trouble if you dont follow the clubs rules as they are there for the benefit of all and the only way to make collaborative working a reality

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