Event TMS unlocks the full potential of your supply chain visibility and control
La linea di prodotti Evento
Seleziona un prodotto che ti interessa dalla nostra Linea di prodotti...
Inizia a costruire la tua piattaforma per eventi selezionando Crea ordine o DOCK dal basso. 2 dei prodotti più comuni, poi aggiungine altri....
How to get started today..
Watch the short video to help you get Event (3 mins)
Start with the 1st product in Event Lite, number 1 below
Click on the blue button
Follow the instructions
Then number 2, number 3....until you have all 4 products
Add a load
Ready? Lets start with being able to add loads...
Gestione dei dati
Manual entry of loads
*You will need to create an Account when you add Create Order
...if your HOME page looks like this, welcome to Event!
So whats next?
So you know have an Event account and are ready to start shipping.
The Event Lite knowledge center has the guides to help you quickly get up and running