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Our connect API landing page is below, here you can download the swagger, see example json requests and code examples.

Once you are ready to get started please send an email over to We will send you back an API key that you can use for testing purposes. 

Carrier Connect API


An API for Carriers to plug into Event

This API allows carriers to pull data from Event, update Event with tracking, shipping labels and much more.

Retrieve a route from Event 

In Event each of your routes will have a unique id number, this id can be found in connect. 


This unique identifier can be used to communicate with Event through our API and pull back route data for a specific route id. Example below.

This will return all the route detail for this route and all the detail for each of the stops on the route. 

Get all routes by collection date

You can also pull all your routes for a given collection date. 

This will return a collection of routes, it will still included all the stop level detail. 

Get all customers you are connected to in Event

If at any time you want to see all of the customers you are connected to in Event, you can call the operation below. 

No parameter needs to be passed, we will identify who you are by the key you have passed in the request. 

Update routes and stops in Event

The connect API also gives you the ability to send us information and update your routes/stops in Event. For example the below operation can be used to send us back shipping labels, documents and costs.  

Send us tracking updates 

You can send us back tracking information using the operation below, there is also the option to send us back GPS information so we can track the shipment on route. 

Need us to push updates to you?

If you need us to push information to you we have got you covered, using the operation below you can register a url for us to send webhook notifications to. 

Currently, our recommended best practice for securing Webhooks involves using basic authentication and HTTPS on your endpoint. This will help prevent any altering of any information communicated to you by 3T, prevent any third parties from seeing your webhooks in transit, and will prevent any third parties from masquerading as 3T and sending fraudulent data. 3T performs certificate validation and requires any TLS-enabled (HTTPS) webhook recipients to have a certificate signed by a public trusted certification authority. We do not support sending webhooks to over SSLv2, SSLv3, or any connection using so-called export-grade ciphers. The example response shows the webhooks event you will receive to your endpoint once it is enabled.

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